Can Veneers Get Cavities?

Veneers are a great fix for a number of aesthetic problems: 

  • Chipped teeth 
  • Cracked teeth 
  • Gapped Teeth 
  • Minor misalignments 
  • Stained teeth 

But since they are synthetic, some of our patients are under the impression that veneers can't get cavities. 

Is it true or is it just a myth? 

Why Veneers Can't Get Cavities? 

Cavities are small holes in a tooth's structure created by the acid produced by bacteria feeding on the food debris in a person's mouth. The acids first attack the outer layer of the tooth, the enamel, and then get to the dentin, making their way to the pulp, root, and soft tissue inside the tooth. 

However, this acid does not affect the material veneers are made of, such as porcelain or composite resin. 

So, veneers can't get cavities like natural teeth do. 

Poor Oral Health Can Still Affect Your Veneers 

That said, you can't simply start skipping on your dental hygiene just because you have veneers. Don't forget that your natural teeth are still under the shells and they are vulnerable to decay. 

Before placing the veneer shells, the dentil will shave a bit of enamel to make the veneers bond better with the tooth. But the amount is very small and much of your natural tooth's structure is still there. 

On top of that, the veneers are surrounded by natural tissues like your gums which can get affected by poor oral hygiene. 

By failing to regularly brush your teeth, plaque and tartar will collect around the edges of your veneers, irritating your gums at first. In time, the bacteria will find their way under the veneers, attacking the natural tooth. The worst part is that you won't even be able to tell there's a problem until it's probably too late. 

How to Avoid This 

The good news is that veneers are low maintenance and require just a few simple rules:

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily. 
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild toothpaste. Abrasive products are more likely to scratch your veneers. 
  • See your dentist every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. The dentist will remove any plaque or tartar residue, make sure your oral health and veneers are in good order, and recommend additional treatment if necessary. Preventive care can help you keep your veneers for longer as you can identify and treat dental issues in their early stages. 
  • Protect your teeth with a mouthguard during sports. The same is true if you grind your teeth at night (ask your dentist for a custom-made night guard.) 
  • Avoid sticky, crunchy, hard, chewy, and highly acidic and pigmented foods and beverages as they can damage your veneers. 

Not Happy with Your Smile? 

You shouldn't be! At Patrick Stuckey, DDS we can help you get the smile you always wanted. Whether it's veneers or other cosmetic or restorative treatments, Dr. Patrick Stuckey will find the right solution for you. 

Get in touch with our team now to book your appointment. 

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